A roof over the heads of the Gobettes
When two former TV reporters become farmers !
Elsa and I spent those last ten years travelling through France and around the world with our cameras. And one day, we woke up and needed a change.
Telling stories, highlighting inequalities, injustice, is challenging, but one day we realized that despite our investment and the risks we were sometimes taking, our work did not have the results expected. We had to do something about it! Not to have regrets! Find a new meaning to our lives, the same feeling we had with journalism at first.
After few months of research, we found the perfect place to build our dream. A field of 5 hectares, grazing lands, with an old typical Norman house, in Saint Sylvestre de Cormeilles, in Normandy.
« La Ferme des Gobettes », what for ?
Because the two ponds on our field are full of cute little green frogs, we decided to name the farm, « la Ferme des Gobettes ». « Gobette » means frog in traditional Norman dialect. It was important for us to find a name related to our new home.
In June 2016, when we bought the place, everything had to be done! We started by the renovation of the house. We came on weekends, working in Paris during the week. The first winter without hot water and heating was quite a challenge! We even made some furnitures ourselves.
Today the house is finally cosy and heated, and since July we welcomed a new host, our sweet baby boy, Paavo.
Organic vegetables and fruits
In September 2016, Thibault went back to school to get a market gardening degree. He graduated in June 2017 and we definitively leave Paris to settle down in Normandy.
Last summer, we covered 5000m2 of our field to prepare the soil without plowing. At spring 2018, we will set up two greenhouses bought second-hand. The first vegetables will be delivered for the summer 2018. We also plan to plant an orchard of 2,5 hectares with a large variety of fruits : plums, apples, pears, cherries… Elsa, young mummy, is currently getting a degree in fruit farming.
In 3 years, we want to product hundreds of various vegetables, fruits and herbs.
We are trying to finance everything by ourselves…
We really believe that our project is going in the right direction! We bought the field and the house with a bank loan, we are trying to find second hand equipment, using our own savings to avoid new loans.
But for the barn, we need help!
If you know the Norman weather, you know a barn won’t be a fanciness! It will be a place to work, a place to store our equipment, a place to sell our products and a place to store our vegetables. We will build an ecological cold room made with thick wood walls filled with flax flakes, that will be cold in the summer and frost free in the winter. No polluting cooling gas, no electricity! We will also set up a drying room for the herbs, to make organic herbal teas.
Where will go the funds
- With 5000€, we can pour the concrete slab and a part of the timber structure.
- With 9000€, the timber structure in 100% funded
- With 13.000€, we have a roof!
- With 22.000€ we can build our green cold room.
- 25.000€ and we can also build a storage room for the squash!
Five reasons to help us :
- the barn is essential to our project
- support a local market
- defend organic agriculture
- an ecological way to store vegetables and fruits
- help us show that another way of producing food is possible
The compensations
- The cider is produced by our neighbor Sylvie, with the organic apples of her orchard.
- The goat cheese come from a little village in the French alps, made by Michel, a friend of us, and his 20 sweet goats.
- The print are pictures Thibault took during his travels or reports. You will find them on our Facebook page, in the album « Bluebees contreparties photo »
- For the visits, the apéritifs, the dinners and photo shoots, a few dates will be proposed from July to October 2018.
- The bird houses are made by ourselves !
En savoir plus
La Ferme des Gobettes
89 rue du Mesnil
27 260 St Sylvestre de Cormeille
unmaned news
unmaned news
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