The Home Food Wall
How can we grow part of our food in our living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms or workplaces?
Even in a crowded urban space, we can all produce our own food!
What’s sprouting ?
Micro-greens are vegetables only just starting to grow. They contain 20 to 30 times more nutrients than they would as adults! These truely live foods are great in terms of taste, nutrition and education. Sprouting at home everyday is a simple way of reconnecting to living things and the Earth. You can do it all year round in just 10 day-long cycles.
A food wall to grow your own vegetables
The sprouting container is designed to hold soil and allow vertical culture
Designed to be put on top of each other, the units can be hung on a wall or set on a countertop or shelf. 5 containers is enough to grow a fair part of your weekly vegetable consumption.
A low-tech project for a waste-free world !
1) Plastic collection and recycling in Paris to produce the sprouting container
Following permacultural and circular economy principles, the container is made from collected, crushed, melted, injected and 3D printed plastic, turning industrial waste into life growing resources.
Food-grade plastic collection - Crushing bottles/cups - Melting - Printing the container
12 plastic bottles = 1 container
2) Composting for the sprouting substrate
After the harvest, compost the soil in an indoor vermicompost along with food waste and coffee grounds and use it for your next seeding.
Cut and eat - remove the soil (from the container) - recycle in a vermicompost - let it compost - fill up 1/3 compost, 1/3 fertile soil, 1/3 coffee grounds - seed (all over again)
The food wall : creating 8 professional rehabilitation jobs
Thanks to the “First Hours Program”, highly socially excluded people will take part in our handicraft production. Based on their needs and abilities, they’ll be assisted by a support team to readapt to a work environment at their own pace.
The ‘ici Terre’ team
Since we started 2 years ago, our social and professional integration mission has been self-financed and carried out exclusively by volunteers.
A diverse team is the heart of our organisation :
- Lucas : Founder and president, project coordinator, Chinese medicine and meditation workshop host
- Marc : Engineer, sprouter, yoga, meditation and massage workshop host
- Charlotte : Artist, reinsertion project coordinator, drawing workshop host
- Arcanelle : educational garden and women’s discussion group host
- Steven : graphic designer, geodesic dome maker, dance and movement workshop host
- Alain : business student, intern and a great help in preparing this campaign
- And many other supporters including Oliv, Marion, Colombe, Anna, Léa and more.
Our current sources of income
We are lucky to be the ‘Nature et Découverte’ societal innovation laureate which includes a 5000€ start-up grant. ’Nature et Découverte’ have also committed to distributing our product if production has started by March 2018.
Boosting the next stage : funding the manufacturing workshop
The purpose of the workshop is to be both the production location and reinsertion center as well as, in the evening and on week-ends, an open public space promoting innovation and sharing resources.
1/ 10.000 will allow production to start and the creation of 4 reinsertion jobs.
2/ 20.000 will allow workshop completion and its geodesic dome shell.
3/ 30.000 will allow the launch of the first Parisian plastic handi-recycling unit and the creation of 4 more reinsertion jobs.
Funding will help
- starting the first Parisian plastic handi-recycling unit
- building the plastic transformation machines
- complete construction of geodesic domes to house the production workshop
- produce containers and plastic filament reels
A dome-shaped workshop !
Where will your money go?
Equipment / cost
plastic crusher
plastic extruder
plastic injector
ten 3D printers
workshop layout
dome completion equipment and material
Why crowdfunding?
We need your help to start-up! Pre-selling containers is our only hope to launch the project.
We believe in pooling civic resources to create the means of social and ecological transition.
Why Blue Bees?
As a permaculture and professional insertion association, we support a vision of society in which agroecology and the nourishing power of our planet recover a central status. We believe in eco-aware and accessible agriculture.
Helping us means :
- promoting local subsistence agriculture
- co-creating social and professional reinsertion tools for those in need
- zero waste cycle empowerment
- getting involved in your food to reduce waste and CO2 emissions
- supporting social and solidarity economy
- taking part in an urban transition movement
About our project backer, Lucas Manganelli
Trained in circus arts at the Annie Fratelini school, Lucas goes on to becoming a contemporary dancer. Parallel to his artistic training, he completes a BPREA diploma in organic market gardening, studies Chinese medicine and later transgenerational psychoanalysis. Over the span of 15 years he combines performance and consultation.
In 2015, he sets up the citizen association ‘Ici Terre’ within the ‘Grands Voisins’ associative organisation in Paris to put forward empowering practices, bringing joy to living and doing in our environment.
About ‘Ici Terre’
Spirituality : Meditation workshops / Lakota drumming / Animism and modernity
Body & Environment :
- Women’s discussion group
- Artistic practice : Permaculture and theatre (workshops) / expression (workshops) / dance (workshops)
- Yoga & Qi Gong (workshops)
- Chinese Energy practice (workshops)
- Mouvement (workshops)
- Massage (workshops)
Urban permaculture :
- Upcycling / communal gardens
- Geodesic dome construction / Creating vertical vegetable gardens / Permaculture and Qi Gong workshops / Weekly market gardening / Creating mound vegetable gardens
The food wall :
- Creating vertical containers
- Sprouting workshops
- Professional reinsertion - sprout sales
Learn more
Find Us
82 avenue Denfert Rochereau 75014 Paris
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