Beehive of biodiversity : the film
We are Perrine Bertrand and Yan Grill, two documentary filmmakers and we need your help in making a film about bees: "Beehives for biodiversity".
In this documentary we set out to meet a variety of bee-lovers : pioneers and whistle-blowers, amateurs and professionals all searching for concrete solutions which would allow the bee to live a natural life.. We will be listening to opinions that frequently pass unheard.
Enriching, engaged, enthusiastic and disturbing, it will be a film firmly on the side of the bees, trying to understand their real needs.
To complete this project we need your support !
Bees are dying. They are disappearing at a terrifying rate. We feel ourselves powerless... But what if we, too, are partly responsable ? Is there really nothing we can do? A film of hope with specific ideas for sustainable beekeeping that is respectful of the bees.
The project
The objective is to make a documentary film: "Beehives for biodiversity" (provisional title) so that bees can be allowed to return to their natural ways. The film will last about 75 minutes, making people aware of the need to preserve bees and suggesting practicable ways of protecting them. The film takes an opposing standpoint to conventional thinking and opens the way for new ideas. Through multiple witnesses we are going to demonstrate that, in fact, helping bees is not so complicated and is even within everybody’s capability.
What if, for once, we listen to the bee instead of her human exploiter, in order to deal with her real needs. It is a question of looking anew at our relationship with the bee, not just from the point of view of productivity but also of her survival, which is necessary both for the bee and for ourselves.
In this documentary we are going in search of the wild honey bee taking the same approach as in our previous films « L’ortie fée de la résistance » and « La révolution des sols vivants ». The film will be shown and followed by debate and discussion in alternative outlets such as cinemas and film festivals dealing with the environment. It will also be available on DVD towards the end 2018. We hope it will provoque much debate and exchange of ideas.
The financing
To make a documentary film takes an enormous investment in time and work. And we foresee that it will be about two years before the film will be released. That is how long it took us to finish our earlier films. We have already found part of the necessary financing, notably thanks to our co-production partner Terran Magazine. This has allowed us to begin filming which was important because much of the filming needed to be done during the spring and summer.
How will we spend the money ?
We need you in order to complete the budget by financing the post production.
- With 12 000€ we can finance the cost of editing the film.
- With 20 000€ we can register the voice-over soundtrack, we can create original music, and we can complete the mixing of sound and music.
- With 25 000€ we can produce 2000 DVDs with an explanatory booklet.
- If we reach 30 000€ we will be able to undertake the translation and insertion of subtitles in English and Spanish in order to show the film abroad.
What do the counterparties get in exchange ?
In exchange for your support and also to help spread the word we are offering you reconpense designed to contribute to the preservation of bees and to the discovery of natural beekeeping. Some melliferous seeds of plants to feed the bees, books on natural beekeeping, the DVD of the film, visits to learn about bees from several of participating partners in the film and a 2-day course to learn to make biodiverse hives in basketry that you could have at home.
Thank you !
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